7 Exercises You Can Do Every Day

Everyone knows that staying active and fit is important, but few people have the time or the energy to maintain an exercise routine they actually enjoy on a daily basis. It’s hard to squeeze in multiple trips to the gym when you already have plenty of responsibilities weighing you down on a day-to-day basis. But it doesn’t have to be this way! With seven great exercises, you can do every day, you can maintain your fitness goals in just 15 minutes per day, even if you only manage that small amount of time once per week. You don’t need to be at the gym every day to get in shape. These seven exercises can be done at home, in your office, or any other place where you can move your body. And all of them are simple enough that you can do them every day—no excuses!

1) Pushups

Pushups are a classic full-body exercise that tones your arms, chest, shoulders, and abs. No gym is required; all you need is some floor space. Start by placing your hands shoulder-width apart on a solid surface. Using your arms and chest, slowly lower yourself until your nose nearly touches that surface—then push back up. That’s one rep. If it’s too hard to do straight from your feet, try doing pushups from the knees or a seated position to start.

2) Squats

Squats are one of those basic exercises that are kind of a no-brainer to do every day. In addition to being great for building up your legs, squats also boost your metabolism and help keep you from getting stiff. To perform a squat correctly, stand with your feet just over shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips, or holding onto something for balance if you need it. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then stand back up again. Perform two sets of 20 squats several times throughout each day; try doing them first thing in the morning when you get out of bed or during commercial breaks while watching TV. Each set should take between 10 and 30 seconds to complete, depending on how deep you squat. Squats are a total-body exercise that can be done anywhere. They build strength in your legs, glutes, core, and back. And because squats recruit so many muscles at once, they provide more metabolic activity than other exercises.

3) Lunges

Lunges are an effective way to incorporate your lower body into a workout routine. Lunges help you develop your quadriceps and glutes, while also improving your flexibility and balance. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, then slowly bend one knee, keeping it at a 90-degree angle. Hold for 10 seconds, then repeat on another side. Be sure to keep you’re back straight during lunges; otherwise, you may risk injuring yourself.

4) Jumping Jacks

Start by standing with your feet together, arms at your sides. Jump as high as you can, spreading your arms and legs outward in a V shape while in midair. Land with soft knees and immediately jump again to avoid resting. Repeat until you reach 30 or do 10 burpees first. Jumps add an explosive component to any exercise routine. As a result, they help you burn calories while also working your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are some of your strongest. But remember: They’re only effective if you have proper form and jump with maximum intensity. That’s why it’s important to always warm-up before jumping jacks or any other explosive moves. Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent, arms at your sides. Explode by extending one leg out in front of you as high as possible while simultaneously bringing your arms up to face level so that both hands touch above your head (but don’t clasp hands). Repeat on the opposite side, alternating back and forth for 15 reps per set.

5) Plank Hold

Holding a plank for 30 seconds or longer is a great way to strengthen your core and work on endurance. Your body might be tempted to sag, but focus on keeping your lower back straight and not allowing it to arch. To make it easier, take breaks from holding if you need them. Start by practicing once a day and build up from there until you can hold it for longer periods of time throughout your day. It’s fine if you can’t do it all at once; just work towards increasing your time over time. The goal is simply to make sure that you spend time performing these exercises regularly.

6) Crunches

Crunches are a good way to tone your abdominal muscles and improve core strength. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms extended out above your head. Use both hands to gently pull your head and shoulders off of the floor, engaging your abdominals throughout. Hold for a few seconds before relaxing back down, without rolling onto your stomach. Repeat 10 times.

7) Walking

Walking is a no-brainer: It’s easy to do and burns more calories than most people realize. According to Fitness Magazine, a 155-pound person will burn an average of 100 calories per mile during walking at a 4 mph pace—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even cites brisk walking as one of its best exercises for weight loss. Best of all, it requires no gym membership or special gear. Walking is one of those exercises that’s hard to hate. It doesn’t require any equipment, and all you have to do is put one foot in front of another. And yet, it has so many health benefits that it really should be considered an essential part of your routine. A 30-minute brisk walk can burn 300 calories, improve blood flow to your brain, and reduce stress levels by lowering blood pressure and boosting serotonin production. If you haven’t walked today don’t just sit there—get up and go!