5 Ways to Get Motivated to Workout

If you’re looking to get into the habit of exercising regularly, it can seem pretty daunting at first, especially if you’ve never really been a big workout person before. Luckily, there are plenty of different ways to motivate yourself to work out, and this guide will show you 5 of the best ways to get motivated to work out and start a fitness routine that you can follow on your own or with the help of a personal trainer.

1) Commit to Something

It’s easy to have a lack of motivation when you work out alone. Making a commitment—to a friend, trainer, or even just yourself—keeps you accountable and more likely to show up. Tell your trainer when and where you plan on working out each week so they can hold you accountable. When they see that you are committed, they will be more motivated in their own workout routine as well!

2) Make Workouts Fun

The easiest way to make workouts fun is to find a workout buddy. A study by Dr. Brian Wansink found that people are 20% more likely to stick with their diet if they tell others about it. The same goes for working out: telling others about your goals and finding a workout buddy motivates you both and makes training seem like more of social activity, which can keep you going. Exercise also becomes much more enjoyable when you have someone there who understands what you’re going through and won’t judge you if you hit an exercise plateau or need advice on how to work around an injury or illness.

3) Treat Working Out as an Activity Instead of a Chore

One of the best ways to get motivated to work out is by treating it as an activity that you look forward to rather than a chore. You’ll never be able to motivate yourself if you make working out feel like a chore that’s not worth your time, so always try and schedule it as an activity. For example, instead of telling yourself, you need to work out because it’s good for you, make a personal goal such as: losing 10 pounds or run your first 5K.

4) Reward Yourself

Achieving your fitness goals is difficult, and it can be hard to stay motivated. One of my favorite things about running is that, when I do work out regularly and run on a regular basis, I feel great. When I don’t work out as much, it takes me a few days before I start feeling sluggish again. Reward yourself for all of your efforts—no matter how small they seem—and you’ll find working out isn’t so bad after all.

5) Use Other People as Your Motivation

One of your biggest obstacles maybe yourself. It’s very easy to get discouraged and give up when you don’t see immediate results. If you use someone else as motivation, you can usually keep moving forward even when things get hard. Whether it’s an athlete that inspires you or your favorite fitness guru, there are plenty of role models who will help spur you on. You can even use friends as inspiration. For example, if one of your friends has a positive attitude about working out but seems much more fit than you do, it might just give you some extra motivation to try harder and make progress in your workout plan.


Let’s be honest: Getting up and working out is not an appealing activity for most people. In fact, it may be downright unappealing or even depressing for some. This is why it’s so important to keep yourself motivated throughout your fitness journey. After all, if you can’t motivate yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? Here are five ways to keep yourself motivated and get fit in no time at all.