How do you stay in shape when you don’t have any equipment or memberships to go to? Here are ten exercises you can do at home to stay fit and healthy without ever having to leave your living room!
1) Running on the spot
It sounds like a cliché, but running in place is one of the best exercises you can do when you’re without any equipment. Focus on your running form by pretending to kick your butt as you run – with each step, imagine that your foot is kicking it. To make things more interesting and get a full-body workout, try switching between stepping and jogging every ten steps or so. Running in place will warm up your body (or cool it down if you’re just finishing a workout), strengthen your core, and tone up all of your major muscle groups. Remember to always warm up properly before working out to avoid injury!
2) Squats
There are a number of different types of squats that you can do, but most will focus on working your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. A great way to make sure you’re doing a squat correctly is to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a weight out in front of you, keeping your arms straight. Keeping your back straight and core tight, sit down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Stand back up by pushing through your heels. Make sure to keep everything tight when you come up so that you don’t slump forward; keep those shoulders square!
3) Lateral lunge
Stand with your feet together, arms hanging at your sides. Step to one side and bend your hips and knees until both knees are bent 90 degrees. Return to starting position. Alternate sides for 20 repetitions each leg. Do three sets twice per week.
4) Shoulder rotation
Rotating your shoulders will help reduce tension in your upper back and neck, says Dan Kilbridge, a personal trainer in New York City. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your waist and place both hands on top of a door or table (for balance if you need it). Rotate to one side as far as you can; don’t move any other part of your body. Hold for about 20 seconds and repeat three times on each side for the best results.
5) Plank
The Plank is a great exercise for your core and back. To do it, simply lay your face down on a yoga mat or other soft surface, supporting yourself on your elbows and toes. Keep your back straight and body in one straight line throughout the exercise. Hold for 5-30 seconds, then rest. Repeat 3 times daily. To make it harder, you can raise one leg in front of you while keeping a straight line through your body. This will work your lower abdominal muscles even more. For an added bonus, go up to two minutes in between rest periods – once you’re able to hold for two minutes with ease, try adding weights to further strengthen your abs and back!
6) Sit-ups
A sit-up is a movement performed by raising your torso and upper body off of a horizontal surface by flexing at your hip. Sit-ups are primarily used to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but they also work some lower back and hip muscles. When performing sit-ups, you will place your hands behind your head or on top of it while keeping your feet on the floor; then, you flex at your hip to bring yourself up towards your knees until you are sitting up with straight legs. The motion is then reversed and repeated in order to go back down.
7) Chest press with knee raises
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, just beyond hip-width apart. Press a pair of dumbbells over your chest, elbows slightly bent, palms facing forward. Raise both legs 12 inches off of the floor and simultaneously press your arms into extension, lifting both torso and legs about 6 inches from the floor. Hold for one count before slowly lowering to starting position. That’s one rep. Perform three sets of 8 to 10 reps twice a week in between strength training sessions for maximum results.
8) Side Lunge
Standing with your feet together, take a large step to one side and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Push back up to the standing position.
9) Inchworm walk
Inchworm walks require no equipment, other than a floor. Stand on your hands and knees, then walk your hands forward while walking your feet toward them until you’re in a plank position. Pull in your abs and press back into a pushup position. Walk your hands back to return to starting position. That’s one rep. Start with one set of five reps, working up to three sets of 10 reps per day as part of an exercise routine.
10) Jumping jacks
Jumps can be a full-body exercise, working for almost every muscle group. The jumping jack targets your chest and shoulders, while also working your core, arms, and legs. To do them properly, start by standing with your feet together. As you raise your arms out to either side in a T position, step forward with one foot and then bend both knees until they are bent at 90 degrees. Make sure that as you move, your upper body remains straight so that you remain balanced on one foot during each rep. Be careful not to overstep or under step as it could make doing jumping jacks difficult or even dangerous.