Everyone wants to lose weight and get in shape, but it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to the workout routine for beginners. There are so many options out there, but knowing what you need can make all the difference when it comes to getting results in the long run. Here’s some advice on how to find the perfect routine that will allow you to reach your fitness goals!
The Basics
The following workout routine is a great introduction to exercise and can be done by anyone in their home. It targets all muscle groups and requires no equipment, which makes it perfect for beginners. To get started you will need to be ready to exercise 3 times a week, ideally Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each session should last around an hour (excluding warm-up and cool-down time) so make sure that you have time available to complete these sessions. You should also try not to do more than one intense workout a day as your body needs time to recover from each session and grow stronger. This schedule will give you around 48 hours between each workout – plenty of time for muscles and joints to recover before starting again!
A warm-up is essential. It helps you start each workout feeling loose and energized, instead of stiff and sore. The ideal length of a warm-up depends on what type of exercise you’re doing. As a general rule, do 5 to 10 minutes of light cardio activity, like jogging in place or marching in place. Then, complete several repetitions of your primary muscle groups, like a few bicep curls or triceps extensions using dumbbells, as well as some stretching exercises.
Cardio – High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
A great option for people just starting out on their fitness journey, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) blasts calories. HIIT involves alternating between short periods of very intense anaerobic exercise and brief recovery periods. A recent study found that people who did eight rounds of four minutes of all-out exercise, one minute of rest between each round, burned 200 extra calories that day and another 100 calories the next day.
Leg Exercises
One of the best ways to strengthen your legs without weights is by doing squats, lunges, and step-ups. Although you can do these in many different ways, there are a few tips to consider. First, always make sure your knees don’t go over your toes when doing any leg exercise. Also, be sure not to lock out your knees at any point during a rep of a squat or lunge; instead, keep them moving slightly as if you were trying to bounce off a trampoline.
Arm Exercises
According to WebMD, your arm muscles are located in your shoulders and upper arms. So, if you’re looking to strengthen and tone your arms, it might be a good idea to focus on exercises that target these muscle groups. Exercises such as push-ups can do wonders for strengthening your biceps, triceps and shoulders.
Chest Exercises
Starting out with an exercise that works your chest muscles is a great way to get started. Pushups are a fantastic option and you can choose from different levels depending on your skill level. If pushups aren’t your thing, try dumbbell bench presses. These are effective at targeting specific muscle groups, allowing you to work out each area separately and enabling greater control over how much weight you put on at any given time.
Back Exercises
Starting with your back, building a strong upper and lower back is key to lifting safely and effectively. Barbell rows are a solid choice that targets both regions of your back, as well as your biceps. The bench press, which works out your chest and triceps, too, is an excellent exercise that you should include in any strength-training regimen. If you have lower back pain (as many people do), it’s best to avoid heavy bench presses until you’ve strengthened up enough.
Abs Exercises
Although there are many different types of exercises that you can do at a gym, one of my favorites is ab workouts. My abs workout has three main parts: 1) crunches, 2) leg raises and 3) sit-ups. If you’re just starting out, it’s best to do 5 sets of 10 reps in each section of your workout. Once you feel comfortable with these exercises, try adding more weight or doing more reps to challenge yourself.
Diet Plan for Beginners
What to Eat on a Diet Plan. The diet plan most doctors recommend, especially to patients who are overweight or obese, is called a low-fat diet. This means you’ll eat less fat and fewer high-calorie foods such as sweets, sodas, and processed foods. You will also be eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—foods that have healthy fats in them like omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation in your body. Research shows that most people lose weight on a low-fat diet within one year of following it faithfully—that is if they can stick with it!
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